Frequently asked questions
Yes. We encourage you to become a RLCV sponsor of one of our flowers. Please visit the Meet our Girls page to select who you would like to sponsor, then donate via our Sponsor a Flower page in the amount that works best for you.
Simply leave a comment on what girl you would like to support and we will respond soon after connecting you with your sponsored girl!
Yes. Rising Lotus Children's Village is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 20-2884544.
You will receive a receipt via email following your donation. Please contact us with any questions regarding your donation receipt.
If donating from outside the US and in need of a specified receipt for your home country, please contact us.
Yes, yes and…YES! We would love to welcome you to our Rising Lotus campus located just outside of Kathmandu in Kirtipur, Nepal.
Visits from our supporters make a world of difference to the girls, sharing cultures, dance moves and simply making the conenction with someone in the world who cares for them. The impact the girls leave on your life will be a gift you cherish for the rest of your life, trust us there!
Please contact us directly if looking to coordinate a visit to Nepal and/or Rising Lotus specifically and we will be sure to get you all taken care of!
We made the transition to support only girls over five years ago after much deliberation and effort.
Nepal is historically a patriarchal society with the majority of women restricted to home duties of childcare, cooking and tending to fields and livestock.
Additionally, in rural communities, girls are often subject to early marriage and pregnancy, almost always with no say in the matter.
We decided to focus specifically on breaking these cycles of gender inequality through the education and empowerment of girls from all corners of Nepal.
Our girls are either orphaned, abandonded by a parent, or come from the most impovrished communities in Nepal.
Most of our girls have been referred to us through our connections with social organizations and local community representatives across Nepal.
Our girls profiles are then reviewed by our leadership team and Nepali board before proceeding with the legal process of becoming a legal caregiver.
We have three full time female staff who live on site with the girls 24/7. See the ‘Meet our Team’ page. Additionally, Hari is on site almost every day checking on the girls, typically after visits to shcools, partner organizations or government offices.
No. RLCV serves as an authorized caretaker under the Nepali government’s Social Welfare Council (SWC).
As the girls are not adopted, we ensure they return to see their immediate or extended families twice per year during school holidays. This is both mandated by the Nepali government and allows for the girls to remain close to their loved ones.
Our most commonly asked question. The short answer is no. We are a girls home which provides the essential needs for a child’s development. We provide educations to our girls in two ways: school attendance and private tutors.
Our girls attend two separate schools. Nuresry through class 5 girls attend private school Green Village Education Foundation (GVEF), located only 200 meters from our campus. Class 6 through 10 girls attend the public school Mangal Secondary School (MSS) in Kirtipur, a twenty minute walk from our campus.
Our girls also receive private tutor sessions weekly on campus in math, science and social studies three times per week.
Both GVEF and MSS are English medium schools, a requirement for RLCV as this provides our girls far greater opportunities for their future studies and careers. We made the decision to send our class 6 through 10 girls to public school beginning this year. This decision was based on a new government policy restricting post-secondary school scholarships only for children who attend public school beginning in class 6.
We ensured the selection of the best public school in the region, developing relationships with the school principal and head administrator before making our school selection.
Chidlren Off the Streets (COTS) is the name of our organization in Nepal which supports the girls. Rising Lotus Children’s Village (RLCV) is our US non-governmental, non-profit foundation which solely supports COTS. RLCV does not support any other organization. The name differentiation is due to Nepali government restrictions.
When founded in 2005, we chose the name Children Off the Streets which represented the vision to support street children in Kathmandu. As the organization grew, our mission expanded to serve the needs of children from remote communities across Nepal. We thus changed our name to better reflect this expanded mission: Rising Lotus Children’s Village.
However, the legal system in Nepal did not allow us to change the organization’s name. So for the past 16 years, RLCV has been our organization’s International name while COTS is our name in Nepal.