Our Graduates - Slideshow

Our Graduates - Profiles
Bandana Magar
“I wonder how my life would have been if I hadn’t joined RLCV. I am sure I would be working in some field with grazing cattle instead of studying right now. RLCV has made a platform for students like me to shine, to get an education, and make our career secured.”
Bandana came to Rising Lotus at the age of 8. She was abandonded by her mother who remarried after her father disappeared in early childhood. Bandana resided with her grandparents performing laborious farm work with no access to schooling.
In her 10 years at Rising Lotus, Bandana ahcieved honors even she had not imagined for herself. She graduated class 10 in 2020 with a 3.8 GPA, the highests in the district and earned a scholarship to pursue her further studies in life sciences. Today Bandana studies Biology in class 12 in the naturally rich district of Chitwan, preparing for her board level exams. She is passionate about preserving Nepal’s nature, with a desire to become a biologist in her future career.
Bandana cared for her fellow sisters as her own while at RLCV and continues to stay connected with the oprganization to this day. She is our shinging star, a true example of what is possible when a child is given a safe home and opportunity to study subjects in which they find a calling. We love you Bandana.
Asmita Ghimire
“The Rising Lotus family has always loved us and helped us every time we needed support.”
Asmita in her own words below. Graduating in 2020, we are so proud to see the young woman she has become and the good she will do in her future endeavours! We love you Asmita.
“Hi, my name is Asmita. Firstly, I am very lucky to be a part of Rising Lotus. When I first started my journey at Rising Lotus I was just 9 years old . I graduated my secondary level education (class 10) through the help of the Rising Lotus staff and supporters which I appreciate as lot . Bishnu didi and my other sisters who have worked there has always loved us and helped us every time we needed support. A special thanks to all the doners who have helped us in every aspect. I would personally like to thank Hari prasad Sharma sir, our guardian and warden for everything as well as Nathan sir for this opportunity.
Today I am pursuing admission in the Prithivi Narayan campus in Pokhara for BBS (Bachelors Business Studies). I am currently studying BBS and after graduation I would like to go abroad for master degree. I would like to have a successful career in banking sector or I would like to work as government officer., helping others pursue their own businesses.”
Erika Danuwar
“RLCV helped me to make my future better.”
Erika in her own words below. Graduating in 2021, Erika was beloved at RLCV. Her arttistic talented is something to behold and she shared her talents with her sisters, inspiring them to pursue their individual talents, be it artistic or otherwise. Erika graduated with top marks. We are so proud of her. We love you Erika.
“Hello everyone, my name is Erika. I was brought at the age of 8 to RLCV. I didn't know how to do anything or work but Hari sir helped me to study and Bishnu didi used to teach us practical skills. RLCV helped me to make my future better. With the help of senior sisters I learned to dance, to draw, and to pant. If I was not brought to RLCV than maybe I wouldn’t have developed the skills I have today. RLCV made my future bright.
Currently I am live in Udhaypur, Gaighat, Chuday. I study commerce in grade 12. My college’s name is Triyuga Janata. When I begin my career I will help RLCV and similar charities to help improve the lives of children.”
Suman Rai
“My 11 years in Rising Lotus were the most memorable moments of my life.”
Suman hold a special place in our organization’s heart. Suman was there from the beginning, one of the first three children who Rising Lotus supported going back to 2006. Suman was brought to us by his grandfather at six years old from remote Eastern Nepal and was our pride and joy up until his graduation in 2016. Suman' shares his story below. We love you Suman.
“Hi, I am Suman Rai from Eastern part of Nepal. I now reside in the beautiful lakeside city of Pokhara. I am working as a guide and porter for an international trekking company and in my free time I also do photography and videography as a freelancer. I also am involved in my local Parish helping establish our community over the past five years.
I stayed at Rising Lotus for eleven years (age 6 to 17). It was my best years for life which will never be brought back. I graduated from Rising Lotus after I finished my secondary school in 2016. Thanks to my primary educational foundation, I continued my higher secondary school in Pokhara at Jana Priya Higher Secondary. I am still continuing my Bachelor Study in Prithivi Naryan Campus.
My eleven years at Rising Lotus were the most memorable moments of my life. Being with Hari sir is always a blessing for me. He is my everything. He raised me and gave me a second life. I also want to remember my grandfather who saw my family condition in my village and brought me to that beautiful world in Rising Lotus.
In Rising Lotus we enjoyed every second of our life: we studied hard, played amongst friends and were always entertained with friends and guests visiting. I still remember the taste our meals cooked by Bishnu DiDi! She was our dean looking after us every time, holding us responsible to show respect for ourselves. She would even scold us when we were making messes! Tough love!
At last, I really want to thank Miss Tracy who has supported us from day one, from across the world in the USA. Hari Sir and Miss Tracy dedicated their whole lives to serve us and still they are serving. I can only say thank you so much for this all. Rising Lotus continues to inspire me. I plan to continue helping Rising Lotus both with my talents and fundraising in the future.”
Bikhu Maya Praja
“Because of Rising Lotus, I can continue my studies into class 11.”
Bikhuni or our ‘Bikhu’ was omong the first girls to come to Rising Lotus from the remote villages of Chitwan Kanda. At the time (age 9), she spoke only basic Nepali and zero English. Bikhu excelled in her studies and as of May this year, she graduated with top marks in her class 10 SEE exam, earning her a scholarship to continue her education.
Currently, Bikhu studies six subjects in class 11 with a focus on computer science at Shahi Smarak College in Kirtipur. She is the first child from Kanda to receive a college level education.
We are privileged to have Bikhu still residing at Rising Lotus as we support her through her continued education. She is an invaluable mentor to the rest of our girls and a tremendous help to our staff. We could not be more proud of Bikhu and are excited knowing the postiive impact she will make in the world. We love you Bikhu.
Bikhu tells her story at the end of our RLCV Professional Film here.
Bishal Chhetri
“If you support Rising Lotus, you have allowed me to do something in my life. You are helping many kids who are orphans like me, who do not know about the world, to distinguish what is right, what is wrong, how to live a good life.”
Bishal Chhetri was also one of our first children at Rising Lotus. He came to us after losing both parents at the age of five. Bikash graduated from Rising Lotus in 2016. He continued his education studying Computer Science at Shree Janapriya Higher Secondary School.
Bishal now resides in Pokhara, Nepal and has since moved to Pokhara, working as a Public Relations and Marketing manager. He enjoys playing basketball and volunteering with local youth organizations in his free time. We are very proud of the man Bikash has become.
In this short video, Bishal speaks from the heart as to how Rising Lotus changed his life and the diffrence your financial support makes.
Bikash was also one of our first children at Rising Lotus. He came to us from the villages of Tanahu, Nepal being raised by his grandparents at the time. Bikash graduated from Rising Lotus in 2016 and has since moved to Pokhara, working as a Public Relations and Marketing manager. He enjoys playing basketball and volunteering with local youth organizations in his free time. We are very proud of the man Bikash has become.
Bikash Barali
Dil Kumari Praja
Dil Kumari Praja is another one of our girls who comes to us from Chitwan Kanda. We were so proud to see her graduate from class 10 in May 2022 with top marks on her SEE just like Bikhu!
Dil Kumari has an artistic talent unlike any we have evedr seen. She is self trained, with an affinity for painting landscapes. She has taught many of our girls how to draw, paint and color over the years.
Currently Dil Kumari is residing in the Chitwan province with her family. She wishes to continue her education in the arts in the future. We love you Dil Kumari.
“Sanju Maya Praja”
Sanjui Praja is another one of our girls who comes to us from Chitwan Kanda. Sanju spent over 8 years at Rising Lotus and proudl graduated from class 10 in May 2021. Since graduating, Sanju has just recently began nursing classes in her home district of Chitwan.
We are so proud of Sanju and her impact she made while at RLCV. We are excited to see the good she will do for others in her future! We love you Sanju.