Join our mission in whichever way suits you best

  • Sponsor a flower!

    There are infinite avenues in which we can make use of our wealth. In choosing to sponsor a girl (our ‘flowers’) at Rising Lotus, you are single handledly lifting a child from the cycle of poverty. Our girls are either orphaned, abandonded by a parent, or from the most impovrished communities in Nepal.

    Your sponsorship, in any amount, ensures we can continue our mission to see children develop in a safe and loving home, year after year.

  • Discover our campaigns!

    From fostering new partnerships, to providing new facilities which improve the lives of our girls, we like to stay active at RLCV. Learn more about our campaigns and how you can support them by clicking below. Please send let us know any recommendations or possible connections by contacting us as well!

  • Fundraise with us!

    Getting the word out on the work we do at RLCV is vital to our mission. By sharing our work on social media, primarily Facebook and Instagram, you are helping us reach supporters otherwise unknown. You can even create a fundraiser with the Facebook and Instagram donation buttons! Learn how below and thank you!